Eyes on Boat, 1455 Containers – Women are Heroes

Client: Unframed S.A.
Video: Gallery Perrotin

For his project “Women Are Heroes,” JR photographed women all over the world and pasted their images on walls and trains. The project culminated with “Eyes on Boat,” for which an image of the eyes of a woman from a Kenyan slum was blown up, cut up and pasted on 180 shipping containers. Once the containers were loaded in the right order on the ship, with the help of dock workers, the image came together like a puzzle and traveled around the world.


  • Linear motion
  • Sensing
  • Computer control


  • Stainless steel
  • Linear motion elements
  • Fibreboard


  • Crane mechanism development
  • Pulley mechanisms
  • Sensing and computer control

“The cool thing about JR is that he cares about political and social issues and comes up with inventive ways to get his message out in a way that rings out loud and clear, always raising a smile.”  By Heidi Ellison