Radex – radiation meter

Client: Undisclosed
Image: Personal property

Soon after the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdowns in Japan, I began what would be two years work with Greenpeace on its Fukushima nuclear response.

The campaign primarily focused on the human impacts of the nuclear meltdowns, but also covered reactor shutdown, the official response, radiation cleanup, corruption, liability, economic consequences, the rise of citizen activism, and renewable energy development.


  • Arduino
  • Digital RGB LEDs
  • 3D printing
  • Custom serial interface to radiation meter


  • PLA (3D printing)
  • Electronic components
  • Electrical cables


  • Reverse engineering
  • Firmware development
  • Drilling, gluing, wiring

“I was tasked with reactive media work, strategic communications development, media relations with English speaking press, materials production including press releases, key messaging, talking points, photo and video concept development, report planning and development, event planning and management, photo and video management and day to day communications management. I also managed interviews, photo and video production, functioned as photographer/videographer in some circumstances, and more.”  By Greg McNevin