Giant Lightbox

Chronicles of San Francisco

Client: Unframed SA
Image: SF MOMA

Celebrate the voices of our extraordinary, unique, and diverse city in The Chronicles of San Francisco, by internationally recognized artist JR. Over the course of two months in early 2018, the artist set up a mobile studio in twenty-two locations around San Francisco, where he filmed and interviewed nearly twelve hundred people from across the city’s multifaceted communities. In the completed work, a digital mural scrolls across a seamless bank of screens, bringing together the faces and untold stories of the people we encounter every day.


  • Adjustable LED


  • Steel frame
  • Duratrans


  • High resolution print on duratrans

To create this monumental scrolling composition, JR worked with each individual as they decided how they wanted to be represented. Every person is presented at the same size, captured with the same light. The San Franciscans in the mural are the people who were passing by at that location, at that moment. Swimmers mix with members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, homeless men and women mix with an obstetrician reenacting the birth of a baby…

After being filmed and photographed, people’s voices were recorded, giving everyone the opportunity to say what they wished.